The Australian Wealth Advisors Group
AWAG is a diversified financial services firm that specializes in investing in wealth advisory businesses to build a complete offering across the financial services sector. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping our businesses and more importantly their clients achieve their financial goals.

Our Services
Licence and Wealth Advisory Support
Our practice management division, CHPW provides support, mentorship and a cost effective means to for you to start, or nurture the potential of your own wealth advisory business.
Investment Management Services
Armytage Private is our team of experienced investment management professionals who will work with you to develop an investment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
Mergers and Acquisitions
AWAG is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange under the code WAG. AWAG specializes in mergers and acquisitions within the financial services sector. Our team of experts has been constructed to look at opportunities across a suite of verticals that will create a independent and diversified company.